Thursday, 29 April 2010


This is part of a series of portraits that I am making.
Final is printed on gloss photo paper.

Latest little canvases.

Duchy. Acrylic & paper on canvas 40x 30cm

Flying. Acyrlic & paper on canvas 30 x 24cm

Grief. Acrylic, Oil  & paper on canvas 20 x 20cm

Monday, 19 April 2010

I spy with my little eye...

Whilst doing my ATM graffiti I was on the look out for camera's
and found this beauty on the Vinkenburgstraat.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Why are ATM's so insipid!

I am interested in humanizing the 
inhumane sprawl.
I look for dark corners, thoughtless
graffiti and architectural poverty.
I use these backgrounds as my canvas.
This is my way of communicating with 
the inhabitants of my city.

Friday, 9 April 2010