Sunday, 20 February 2011

Zeedijk Oude Bakkerij

I have often circled this beautiful abandoned building
looking for a way in.
This week I was in luck, someone had cut a hole
in the wire fencing big enough for me, my camera and
my collage character to squeeze through and have some fun.
Here is the result.
Art is rubbish.
Pink Mornings.

Fry up.
Paint Truck.

Thursday, 10 February 2011


There is a piece of graffiti that I run past every second
day that really pisses me off.
Not only is it a complete waste of paint but it is obviously
done by some mindless fool.
So I made a hybrid tribal character  and stuck it over
the offensive type.
I am hoping that it invites others to comment.

The Journey

Paint, ink and paper on canvas  80cm x 80cm.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Give me a robe...

Hold my hand.

Oh no!

I have a recurring dream of being a passenger on a
plane that can not rise above the city. 
There is no sight of a sky and no exit.
The plane never crashes but quite often lands on a freeway.